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ASVAB Career Exploration Program


The acronym ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is often labelled a “military test”, but what most do not know is that there are two ASVAB programs:

1-ASVAB Enlistment – Military: Our government administers an ASVAB test to men and women entering the Armed Services for the purpose of determining job placement. 

2-ASVAB Student -- Career Exploration program: The ASVAB Career Exploration program in schools is a modified test administered to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students for career exploration. 

IFHS is offering Career Exploration Program testing only to students whose families are Pre-Registered for MAP 2023 and select the free career testing option.

details for 2023

The ASVAB is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world.  The components of the program are: Multiple aptitude test; Career Exploration Tool, the OCCU-Find: and Career Planning Resources.  Home Schooling parents and students may use the ASVAB test results as a benchmark to gauge students’ performance. The career exploration components give students the opportunity to explore a variety of occupations in line with their interests and skills through assessment and structured activities. 

Once the ASVAB test has been administered, a high school student can participate in a tremendous Career Exploration experience.  The program can greatly assist in guiding students to rewarding careers.  Here are some of the advantages of using the ASVAB-Career Exploration Program: 



Once the ASVAB test has been administered, a high school student can participate in a tremendous Career Exploration experience.  The program can greatly assist in guiding students to rewarding careers.  Here are some of the advantages of using the ASVAB-Career Exploration Program:

  •  Assess: ASVAB assesses your student’s verbal, math, and science/technical knowledge.


  • No Cost: The program provides test administrators, proctors, and all required test materials for test administration at NO COST to eligible students, (10th/11/12th) graders.


  • Reliability: The ASVAB has been shown to have up to 96% reliability in determining aptitude ranging from composite academic ability to language comprehension, to mechanics


  • Post-test interpretation: The interpretation of students’ test results will be provided same day as MAP: October 6th during the 3 pm session.  Students and parents are welcome!


  • Test Results and Information Security: The individual student results will not be released to anyone without express permission.  Military-bound students may opt to forward their results to military recruiters.

Mr. Nathaniel Grandberry is the ASVAB-CEP Program Manager for the state of Indiana

and he also serves as the Vice President on the IFHS Board. He will administer the test during MAP’s Session 1 and go over the results and Career Exploration process in Session 6. 

Parents are encouraged to attend the interpretation session with students.   

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